Kari Wahlquist

About Me

South Jordan, Utah
I am wife to Prince Charming, Mom to the six greatest children and Gma to the three single most amazing grandchildren(in addition to my parents grandchildren). In an attempt to avert a mid-life crisis, I took up crochet and found it to be most therapeutic without the office co-pays or inconvenience of waiting for an appointment.


Thursday, June 2, 2011

True Therapy

A few years ago, my sweet Mom gave me a book called, "Have You Filled Your Bucket Today?". It is about making sure you give and get enough "I love yous" each day. That means there must be a quota of some sort. I don't know what mine is because I am so fortunate as to never have had to go to bed with an even remotely unfilled bucket! My Prince and darling kids and g-kids are generous with hugs, kisses and I love Yous. I also feel though that as Mom,s Gmas and better-halves, we have to have something we do that is a slight diversion of sorts, to keep our spirits awake, alive and hungry to stay that way. Some one once posed the question to me, "What are you excited about when you first wake up in the morning? What are you passionate about that you can look forward to? What do you have that feeds your inner child or your creative soul?"
I had to stop and think! Lucky for me, I had recently revisited a skill I learned as a Merrie Miss A in Primary at church. That means I was about 10. My very patient teacher Sister Lola Kartchner, taught a group of about eight girls to crochet. We made a covered hanger to give our mothers on the same titled approaching holiday. No, not National Covered Hanger Day! I worked hard to finish mine and true to form, my Mother shed a few tears when she opened her imperfect but well intended prize. Aren't tears a sure sign you hit the mark on Mother's Day?
Crochet came flooding back quickly as I remembered the feel of the yarn, just the right tension, slipping carefully through my fingers. I was tickled at the speedy progress at which I finished my first baby afghan. It was a tiny "rosebud" afghan for my very first grand baby! A baby Princess! Light "sea-foam green" filled the center with two rows of light pink and then two of pearly white to edge it. I found myself loving every stitch and relishing the minutes and hours it took to make it. The thing about crochet, especially an afghan, is that it is instant gratification! You can see how much you have done, as you do it! No waiting for results, medicine to kick in, your ship to dock, etc, etc. Just the sweet repetition that brings a guaranteed, calm cadence to my breathing and a step or two down on the stress-o-meter. One night I even woke to remember that I had been dreaming of crocheting and all I could see in the dream was the continuous pattern of the half-double crochets, one after another and the rhythmic movement of my arm and hands as I saw the soft yarn go from a skein to a beautiful, warm blanket.  "In, wrap, hook pull-through. In, wrap, hook, pull-through! That's the first I realized that it was my therapy. I can take it anywhere, and I do! In gallon size Ziploc bags or the clear plastic, also zippered, thing-a-ma-jigs, that you get sheet sets or pillow cases in. I can not stand to sit and do nothing! I usually don't have to anymore because at ANY time, you can ask me and I will open my purse and pull out my therapy! A great thing about it too, no dr co-pays or annoying waits in the dr's offices! (Though, then I could crochet more while I waited!)
Stitch after soothing stitch, row after calming row, it gives me the medicine I need and the water in my bucket, to keep on caring for the ones I truly adore!
So then, I ask YOU the same question. What is it that gets you out of bed, . . .excitedly, in the morning? What thing do you do in your life that fill your creative bucket? What are you passionate about? I'd love to know what keeps the fire in your soul! What do you LOVE to create?
Crochet,. . . it's not just for Merrie Misses anymore!